Sunday, May 10, 2009

Responses from Peer Teaching Assignment

1. What did you learn from the presentation?

There is actually an art to online pictures
ISO – the do’s and don’ts
90 people a day married from eHarmony! Wow!
They actually reject people….
You have to be straight…… Very interesting!!
The different sites that are out there
It’s not cheap to use most of the sites
It’s better to be an active member if you join the site
The online lingo section was very interesting some I was able to learn some was new lingo. It was also that you covered the safety issue some. You do want to be safe in your online interactions. Also very good that they talked about pic collectors, some people could lie online.
I learned that online dating has its pro’s and con’s. I had no idea about the dating lingo. I honestly do not know a whole lot about online dating, but in general you guys pretty much summed it up. I can’t think of anything more I would like to learn about. It’s pretty straightforward. My one recommendation would be to maybe show people some of the websites directly.
P.S. The tips on taking the “perfect picture” were very helpful.
Profile is the most important thing
To do/what makes a good picture
Online lingo
Craigslist is used for hooking up
Safety tips for online/offline
Taking the perfect picture for dating online
Online dating lingo
Importance of a catchy and unique pick-up line
Designing the perfect profile/biography – appropriateness
Safety and security tips for online/offline relationships
Online dating is not for me. It’s a whole other world.

2. What would I have liked to learn more about?
Nothing! Great Job!
Overall you covered a lot of information but it would have been more interesting if you could have shown some screen shots of the actual profiles. However this was a great presentation.
How effective is online dating is – offline dating
What the prices for services are ( a comparison of all sites prices)

3. If you presented again, I would recommend….
I really enjoyed it!
I really liked your presentation and I wouldn’t change anything. Great Job!!
No real recommendations, you guys had a pretty solid presentation. Good handout, good power point, good overview of information.
More interactiveness
Videos or pictures more frequently
To ask us questions and allow for feedback, not a straight up lecture style lesson
Call out the “before” and “after” photos
What’s “ISO”? I know it as Industry Standards Organization.